Highsky IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

Course Duration : 45 Hours

1. Controlling Services and Daemons
  • Controlling Services with systemctl
  • Using systemctl to Manage Services
  • Controlling the Boot Process
  • Selecting a Boot Target
  • Controlling Services and Daemons
2. Managing 1Pv6 Networking
  • Review of IPv4 Networking Configuration
  • Configuring IPv4 Networking
  • IPv6 Networking Concepts
  • Interpreting IPv6 Addresses
  • IPv6 Networking Configuration
  • Configuring IPv6 Networking
  • Managing IPv6 Networking
  • Configuring Network Teaming
  • Configuring Software Bridges
  • Managing Network Teaming
  • Managing Network Teaming
  • Configuring Network Teaming
  • Configuring Software Bridges
  • Configuring Link Aggregation and Bridging
4. Network Port Security
  • Managing Firewalld
  • Configuring a Firewall
  • Managing Rich Rules
  • Writing Custom Rules
  • Masquerading and Port Forwarding
  • Forwarding a Port
  • Managing SELinux Port Labeling
  • Network Port Security
5. Managing DNS for Servers
  • DNS Concepts
  • DNS Resource Record
  • Configuring a caching Nameserver
  • configuring unbound as a Caching Nameserver
  • DNS Troubleshooting
  • Troubleshooting DNS
6. Configuring Email Transmission
  • Configuring send-only Email Service
  • Configuring Email Transmission
7. Providing Remote Block Storage
  • ISCSI Concepts
  • Providing ISCSI Targets
  • Accessing ISCSI Storage
  • Providing Block-based Storage
8. Providing File-based Storage
  • Exporting NFS File Systems
  • Protecting NFS Exports
  • Providing SMB File Shares
  • Performing a Multiuser SMB Mount  
  • Provide file-based storage
9. Configuring MariaDB Databases
  • Installing MariaDB
  • Working with MariaDB Databases
  • Maria DB Commands
  • Managing Database Users and Access Rights
  • Managing Users
  • Creating and Restoring Maria DB Backups.
  • Restoring a Maria DB Database from Backup
  • Configuring Maria DB Databases
10. Providing Apache HTTPD Web Service
  • Configuring Apache HTTPD
  • Configuring a Web Server
  • Configuring and Troubleshooting Virtual Hosts
  • Configuring a Virtual Host
  • Configuring HTTPS
  • Configuring a TLS-enabled Virtual Host
  • Integrating Dynamic Web Content
  • Configuring a Web Application
11. Writing Bash Scripts
  • Bash ShellScripting Basics
  • Writing Bash Scripts
  • Enhancing Bash shell Scripts with Conditionals and Control Structures
  • Changing the shell Environment
  • Working with Login and Non-Login shells