Course Duration: 45 Hours
1. Big Data Overview
- What is big data
- Discussion over Databases
- Databases v/s Hadoop
- Problems with Large scale data
2. Overview of Apache Hadoop
- Why Hadoop
- Apache Hadoop Architecture
- Apache Hadoop workflow
- Apache Hadoop Component
3. Installation of Apache Hadoop
- Basic Prerequisites for Hadoop
- Apache Hadoop Standalone Installation
- Apache Hadoop Management
4. Hadoop Distributed File System ( HDFS )
- Understanding HDFS Architecture
- Understanding HDFS Management and Core Component
- HDFS Snapshot and Management
- Understanding FSImage and edit logs management
5. Hadoop Component Management and Understanding
- Understanding Apache Hadoop Name node
- Understanding Apache Hadoop Data node
- Understanding Apache Secondary Name Node
- Apache Hadoop Backup & Management
6. Hadoop Cluster Installation and Management
- Hadoop Multi Node Cluster setup
- Hadoop Cluster Management
- Include and Exclude Data nodes in a cluster
7. Hadoop Yarn Architecture & Management
- Yarn service Introduction & Architecture
- Yarn Resource Manager & Node Manager
- Yarn Scheduling and Management
8. Apache Hadoop Administration
- Managing Hadoop cli
- Managing Hadoop Web
- Managing Failover & Nodes
9. Apache Hive Management
- Hive Architecture and Hadoop
- Hive Installation and management
- Data manipulation with Hive
10. Apache Pig Management
- Pig Architecture
- Pig Installation and management
- Pig Latin script for Data Manipulation
11. Eco system process over Hadoop
- Configure and Management of Sqoop
- Application Management using Flume
- Configure Management of HBASE
12. High Availability over Hadoop
- Deployment Name node on HA using Zookeeper
- Name node as a standby and active
13. Overview of other tools and Related System
- Cloudera manager
- Apache Strom
- Ambari
- Tags:
- Ansible Certification
- Ansible Certification Ahmedabad
- Ansible Training
- AWS Certification training courses in Ahmedabad
- AWS S3 Bucket
- AWS Security Certification Ahmadabad
- AWS Security Training Ahmedabad
- AWS Security Training in Ahmedabad
- Aws Solutions
- AWS Training and Certification
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Certification
- Cloud Computing Training in Ahmedabad
- data science certification
- Data Science Training Ahmedabad
- DevOps Certification Ahmedabad
- DevOps classes and training in Ahmedabad
- DevOps course in Ahmedabad
- DevOps Training
- Docker administration in Ahmedabad
- Docker Administration in Ahmedabad Microsoft Azure Cloud Certification in Ahmedabad
- docker certification course
- Docker course Ahmedabad
- Docker Training Ahmedabad
- GCP Training
- GCP Training Ahmedabad
- Google Cloud Platform Training
- Highsky IT Solutions
- Highsky IT Solutions Ahmedabad
- IT solutions
- It Training Ahmedabad
- it training and certifications
- Kubernetes certification Ahmedabad
- Kubernetes Course in Ahmedabad
- Kubernetes training & certification
- Kubernetes Training Ahmedabad
- lin
- linux
- Linux Administratioln course in Ahmedabad
- Linux Administration course in Ahmedabad
- Linux Career Certification
- Linux Certification Ahmedabad
- Linux Management Certification
- Linux Online Courses in Ahmedabad
- Linux Training Ahmedabad
- Linux Training and Certification
- Microsoft Azure Cloud Certification
- Microsoft Azure Cloud Certification in Ahmedabad
- Microsoft Azure Cloud Training Ahmedabad
- Microsoft Azure Training and Certification
- Python Courses in Ahmedabad
- Python Training
- Python Training in Ahmedabad
- Red Hat Certification
- Red hat Certification Ahmedabad
- Red hat certification in Ahmedabad
- Red Hat Training Ahmedabad
- Red Hat Training and Certification
- Red Hat Training Course & Certification Ahmedabad
- red hat training course & certification in Ahmedabad
- Red Hat Training in Ahmedabad
- RedHat Training Ahmedabad
- RHCE RHCSA classes in Ahmadabad
- RHCE RHCSA Training Ahmedabad