Highsky IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

First, we need to create an s3 Bucket steps are given below:

 Step 1: Log on to your AWS Console.
Step 2: go to the Search bar  ” S3 services “

Step 3: Click on S3  Scalable Storage in the Cloud” and proceed further

Step 4: Create a new Bucket

In the general configuration category:

Step 5: Enter the bucket name  (delete-object-put object bucket in our case) 

Step 6: Next, choose the  AWS region,  [Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1].

ACLs disabled (Recommended)

Bucket owner enforced – Bucket and object ACLs are disabled, and you, as the bucket owner, automatically own and have full control over every object in the bucket. Access control for your bucket and the objects in it is based on policies such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user policies and S3 bucket policies Objects can be uploaded to your bucket only if they don t specify an ACL or if they use the bucket-owner-full-control canned ACL.
Block Public Access settings for this bucket
Public access is granted to buckets and objects through access control lists (ACLs), bucket policies, access point policies, or all. In order to ensure that public access to this bucket and its objects is blocked, turn on Block all public access. These settings apply only to this bucket and its access points. AWS recommends that you turn on Block all public access, but before applying any of these settings, ensure that your applications will work correctly without public access. If you require some level of public access to this bucket or objects within, you can customize the individual settings below to suit your specific storage use cases

Bucket Versioning

Versioning is a means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket. You can use versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in your Amazon S3 bucket. With versioning, you can easily recover from both unintended user actions and application failures.


( choose the Disable )

Default encryption

The default encryption configuration of an S3 bucket is always enabled and is at a minimum set to server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3). With server-side encryption, Amazon S3 encrypts an object before saving it to disk and decrypts it when you download the object. Encryption doesn’t change the way that you access data as an authorized user. It only further protects your data. You can configure default encryption for a bucket. You can use either server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) (the default) or server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys (SSE-KMS).

Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3)

( Choose the  Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) )

Bucket Key = Enabel

Step 7: Click on Create Bucket.

If the bucket is created successfully, you will see a message like this on the top of the page:

Creating an IAM (Identity and Access Management) service in AWS (Amazon Web Services) can be done by following these steps:

1. Go to the IAM service by searching for it in the search bar or selecting it from the list of services.

2. Once in the IAM console, click on the “Users” tab in the left-hand menu.

3. Click the “Add user” button.

4. Enter a name for the new user and select the “Programmatic access” checkbox to give the user access to AWS via APIs, CLI, and SDKs.

5. Click “Next: Permissions” to assign the user permissions.

6. Choose an existing policy or create a new one that defines the user’s permissions.

7. Click “Review” to review the user’s information and permissions.

8. click Create User to create a new user.

Once the user is created, you’ll be provided an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key, which you can use to programmatically access AWS services. Be sure to keep these credentials safe, as they provide access to your AWS resources.

Click Download .csv file

To create an IAM (Identity and Access Management) policy in AWS (Amazon Web Services), you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the IAM service by searching for it in the search bar or selecting it from the list of services.

2. Once in the IAM console, click on the “Policies” tab in the left-hand menu.

3. Click the “Create policy” button.

4. Choose either the “Visual editor” or the “JSON” tab to create the policy.

5. choose the Visual editor tab to select the service the policy will apply to and then choose the actions and resources the policy will allow or deny


6. choose the JSON tab, and enter the policy in JSON format. The JSON format must include a version, statement, and action.

7. then create the policy enter a name and description and click Create a policy

Once the policy is created, you can attach it to a user, group, or role in IAM. When the user, group, or role tries to access a resource, the policy will be checked to determine whether the action is allowed or denied.
It’s important to test your policy to ensure that it’s providing the intended access and restrictions.  can do this by using the Simulate policy feature in the IAM console, which lets you simulate a policy to see how it would apply in different scenarios.

Attach policy

1. Once in the IAM console, click on the “Users,” “Groups,” or “Roles” tab in the left-hand menu, depending on which entity you want to attach the policy to.

2. Select the user, group, or role that you want to attach the policy to.

3. Click on the “Permissions” tab, and then click on the “Attach policies” button.

4. In the search bar, type the name or description of the policy that you want to attach, and then select the policy from the list.

5. Click Attach policy to attach the policy to the selected entity

After attaching the policy, the user, group, or role will have the permissions granted by the policy. You can also create custom policies and attach them to entities as needed. Be sure to test your policies to ensure that they’re providing the intended access and restrictions.

Successful for Attach policies

 Login for user

Click for Amazon S3 servicers

Click  for bucket name  = Deleteobject-putobject-deny

Click  [ Upload ]

the below snaps, the user is not able to delete objects and not able to upload objects


by admin